Guest Passes are used to help show potential new members the club. They are on the honor system, and can be purchased at The Windfall Bar & Grill in the foyerway anytime 24 hours a day. Guest passes need to be purchased prior to entering the club with guests as they will need to have the guest side of the pass with them at all times.

This is a list of pulled guest passes and the name and dates of the pass.


Sponsor             Guest                  Dates         Recreation Cost       
Wayne Johnson Marty Swanson 6/?  ATV  $5.00
Wayne Johnson Clark Smith 6/15  ATV  $5.00
Wayne Johnson Dave Northrut 6/15  ATV  $5.00
Linda McCormick Heidi McCormick 7/28+29  Fishing  $20.00
Linda McCormick Ryan Moshu 7/28+29  Fishing  $20.00
Linda McCormick Brandon McCormick 7/28+29  Fishing  $20.00
Mark ?? Carl Muffley 8/13-15  Fishing  $30.00
 Mark ?? Bob Flurer  9/14-15  Fishing  $30.00
 William ?  Eric Rolston        5/28+29  Fishing  $10.00
 William ?  Dave Collins  5/28+29  Fishing  $10.00
  ?????  ?????  9/22-27  Fishing  $60.00
  John Dragun  Jeff Schurman  5/12  Fishing  $10.00
 Ron Jennings  Clark Jennings  10/25-26  Hunting  $40.00
 Marty Woods  Chuck Chick  9/25  Hunting  $20.00
 Gary Johnson  Leshey Wolfe  9/2  ATV  $5.00
 Gary Johnson  Rob Wolfe  9/3  ATV  $5.00
Gary Johnson Rob Wolfe 9/1-2  ATV  $10.00
Edward Brown Dan VanNess 10/20-22  Hunting  $60.00
Jeff woods Forest Hathaway  11/23/12  Hunting $20.00
Kirk Goodrow Ken Manellet 11/11/12  Hunting $20.00
Kirk Goodrow Darren Goodrow 11/10-11-15-16  Hunting $80.00
??? Jeff Pmmerville 10/13/12  Hunting $20.00
Tom Svarplaitis Kasey Trombley 11/3/12 Hunting  $20.00
Tim Johnson Clark Smith 11/-5-6-25/12 Hunting  $60.00
Ken Pommerville Jeff Pommerville 11/3+11-16/12 Hunting $120.00
Kirk Goodrow Ken Maneelet 11/3/12 Hunting $20.00
Jim Boula Tom Smith ? Hunting $20.00
Jim Boula Ron House ? Hunting $20.00
Jim Boula Tim Teppell ? Hunting $20.00
Kirk Goodraw Ken Maeeley 11/17 Hunting $20.00
Jeff Woods Forest Hathaway 11/22/12 Hunting $20.00
Chuck Trembly, JR Austin Malone 11/3/12 Hunting $20.00
Brett Blackmer Ed Jackson 11/10 Hunting $20.00
Marty Woods John Woods 11/22+25/12 Hunting $40.00
John Dragun Tim Chick 11/19-20/12 Hunting $40.00
Marty Woods john Woods 11/19-20/12 Hunting $40.00
Jeff Woods Ethan Taylor 11/19/12 Hunting $20.00