Meeting called to order @ 1012 AM
President, Secretary, Treasurer & 37 members present
Minutes from last meeting were read and accepted
Treasurer’s report was read and accepted.  

Old Business
Buck contest winners: Brett B (donated back), Wayne Johnson, Jared Morse

John D needs to get old nets from Marty before he can put them up for sale

Bosco made motion that only deer shot on club be entered in contest--PASSED

New Business

John R wanted members to know that Paper Mill land is for sale, no other info at this time

Fundraiser dates set: Spring ATV- June 8; Canoe run- Aug 10; Fall ATV-Sept 7
Workdays-May 18, June 1. Meet at NF Fire hall 9AM

John R made motion to allow camps that open for event sell their own food and keep profits to subsidize camp dues—PASSED    More camps participating in fundraisers would greatly appreciated.

Jason R made motion that “significant others” children can become associate members if family is living together---PASSED

Terry R made motion to hold Winter “Run” with or without other snowmobile clubs involved. Members voted to allow “Ride in” next winter—PASSED

Terry R made motion to allow campers to camp for $50 per event for fundraisers--PASSED

John R made motion to continue providing John Dragun with free dues in exchange for maintaining website (website received over 50,000 hits in 2012)---PASSED

Bosco made motion to grant a $100 dues reduction to members over 70 with 25 years or more in club---PASSED

John R made motion to donate $100 to the NF Fire Dept--- PASSED
Sign Up sheets for fundraisers are as follows:

SPRING ATV                                                       CANOE RUN
      CAMPS                                                                CAMPS            
Spruce Mountain                                                      Trails End
Locust Gang
Hardwood (LaFex)
REGISTRATION                                               REGISTRATION
Andy Brockway                                                         Mike Lennox
Dennis McCormick                                                   
Brett Blackmer                                                           
John Russell
Mike Lennox                                                          

Pat LaPlante, Frank LaPlante, Mike Lennox

END OF RUN   Ron Jennings
      FALL ATV

Spruce Mountain
Locust Gang

Andy Brockway                                                         
Brett Blackmer                                                           
John Russell
Mike Lennox

Mike Lennox

Election of Officers

OFFICERS                            PHONE                             DIRECTORS        TERM EXPIRES
President-  John Russell       848-2052                            Terry Robert                 2015
Treasurer- Ron Jennings                                                John Dragun                 2014
Secretary- Brett Blackmer    848-2106                             Tom Jones                   2015
                                                                                   Jeremiah Evans            2017

Meeting adjourned @ 1105AM