NEWTON FALLS SPORT & RECREATION CLUB ANNUAL MEETING 5/1/15 Meeting called to order @ 10:05 AM President, Secretary, Treasurer & 41 members present Minutes from last meeting were read & accepted Treasurer’s report was read and accepted Old Business Still need to get nets from Marty Website hits—729,002 Motion made to deny membership to Towne family until their portion of Chaumont camp dues are brought up to date---PASSED New Business Fundraiser dates set for future reference: Spring ATV- 1st Saturday in June (6th this year) Canoe run- 1st Saturday in Aug (8th this year); Fall ATV-1st Saturday in Sept(5th this year) Workday- May 16 & 23 @ 8AM. Meet at Ron Jennings (Crane Pond) camp. Sign Up sheets for fundraisers are as follows: SPRING ATV CANOE RUN CAMPS CAMPS J.W.’s Trails End Spruce Mountain J.W.’s REGISTRATION REGISTRATION John Russell Terry Robert Brett Blackmer Randall Biggs Randall Biggs Dennis McCormick Terry Robert FALL ATV CAMPS J.W.’s Spruce Mountain REGISTRATION John Russell Brett Blackmer Terry Robert Randall Biggs John R made motion to donate $100 to NF Fire Dept--PASSED Bill Juby made motion to allocate up to $5000 for trail work (provided bills are paid)—PASSED Jeff W made motion to provide membership to John Dragun in exchange for website maintenance—PASSED Ron J made motion to spend up to $500 for trout to stock Moosehead Pond (provided bills are paid)—PASSED Election of Officers Rick Ward made motion to keep current officers--PASSED OFFICERS DIRECTORS TERM EXPIRES President John Russell Terry Robert 2018 Treasurer Ron Jennings John Dragun 2017 Secretary Brett Blackmer Tom Jones 2016 Jeremiah Evans 2017 Meeting adjourned @ 1050