
Meeting called to order @    10:13 AM  

President, Secretary, Treasurer & 33 members present

Minutes from last meeting were read & accepted

Treasurer’s report was read and accepted


Old Business 

Still need to get nets from Marty. Randall Biggs may know of an interested party. 

Land manager has some camp inspections, is continuing to do more.


New Business 

Received a copy of new nuisance beaver permit from F& W Forestry (formerly Fountain Forestry) 

Per a letter from the land manager, the campers above Hardwood Bridge now have to be pulled off site for the winter. No longer permanent sites


Trail workdays are every Saturday between now and Spring ATV ride, every Saturday after Canoe Run until Fall ATV ride. No need to wait for a group, pick an area and go. Please let an officer know what was done.


Tom Gilman (F&W land manager) walked in to Armstrong’s camp and sent pictures with an email stating that this needs to be cleaned up ASAP. A letter will be sent to the Armstrongs.

 Motion made to provide John D with membership in exchange for webmaster services---PASSED

  Fundraiser dates set for future reference: Spring ATV- 1st Saturday in June (this year)  Canoe run-  Aug (11th this year); Fall ATV- Saturday after Labor Day (Sept 8 this year)


Sign Up sheets for fundraisers are as follows:


SPRING ATV                                                       CANOE RUN




        JW’s, Ron Jennings





CAMPS   JW’s, Ron Jennings




Election of Officers


OFFICERS                                                 DIRECTORS        TERM EXPIRES

President  Brett Blackmer                             Terry Robert                 2021

Treasurer Ron Jennings                                 Rod Boula                    2020

Secretary Jim Boula                                      Tom Jones                    2019

                                                                  Randall Biggs                2020


Meeting adjourned @ 10:44 AM