P.O. BOX 166




AS OF MAY 2012



ARTICLE 1                                         NAME


Section 1                           This organization shall be known as the Newton Falls Sports and Recreation Club.


Section II                          The object of the club is to provide its Members with recreational, hunting, and fishing privileges on the tract of land leased from Fountain Forestry and the land owned by the Newton Falls Paper Mill who have given us permission to use it as long as certain provisions are met.


ARTICLE II                                        MEETINGS


Section I                            The date of the annual meeting will be the 1st  Saturday in May at 10AM. (CHANGED May 2, 2010)


Section II                          A special meeting may be called by the President or by any twenty (20) members in good standing whom request such a meeting, provided they give the officers ten (10) days notice.


Section III                        A quorum shall consist of not less than 10% of the membership. No action of any meeting shall be invalid for the lack of quorum unless the question of lack of quorum was raised before such action was taken.


ARTICLE III                                      OFFICERS


Section I                           The officers of the club shall be a President, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, and a board of  four (4) Directors. All shall serve a (1) year term except for the Directors, who shall be elected for a three (3) year term. The first election shall elect Directors for a three (3) year term, a two (2) year term, and two one (1) year terms. Should a bond be required for any of the Officers, the Club shall pay the premium of such a bond.


Section II                          Non-expired terms shall be filled within 2 weeks of vacancy by a majority vote of the officers. (CHANGED May 5, 2012)


Section III                        Nominations and election of Officers and Board of Directors will be held at the May meeting.


Section IV                        Officers are not allowed to spend more than $200 without approval by a majority vote of Officers and Directors. Any amount over $1,000 is to be approved by the Memberships.


ARTICLE IV                                       MEMBERSHIP & DUES


Section I                            The number of members shall be limited to 140 paid members. Dues shall be $500 a year. (CHANGED 5/5/19 effective 2020)All members must wear their park badge in plain view at all times on the park. Violators will be subject to a fine set by the officers. All dues must be in May 1 , after May 31(CHANGED 5/5/12)  a $50 fine will be assessed.

                                            The officers may pay dues or exercise right for exemption of dues.

                                            Members who have not paid by May 31st and do not contact an officer by May31st will be replaced from the waiting list.


Section II                          A waiting list shall be kept by the Recording Secretary and any vacancy must be approved by the club Officers. An application form will be made available from the Secretary.


Section III                        The Board Of Directors consisting of four (4) Board members and the President, Secretary, and Treasurer shall handle all disciplining matters, including expelling members.


Section IV                         Fees for guests shall be $20 per day for hunting, $10 per day for fishing, and $10 per day for ATV’s.(CHANGED 5/5/12) One (1) guest per member, per day. The member sponsoring the guest shall be responsible for his conduct and the collection of any fees. All guests shall be in the immediate area of their sponsor or a member designated by him. Any member misusing guest pass privileges will pay a $50 fine for the first offense and a one (1) year suspension from date of incident for second offense.

                                            Members are allowed 4 guest ATV’s each with both riders and drivers requiring passes. If a guest rides any part of a day, he must have a guest pass for each day he rides.


Section V                          Associate members shall be the son, daughter, dependent child or spouse of the member. Other than the spouse of the member, all associated members sixteen (16) or over shall pay a fee of $20. Dependents of members who are signed (CHANGED 5/5/12) up for the Armed Forces out of High School will be considered associate members for the first four (4) year hitch. Their dues will be $20 per year. These fees are to meet club badge, keys, postage, costs, etc. They will remain associated members until the age of eighteen (18), out of High School, or complete four (4) years of College.


Section VI                         All members and associated members are expected to challenge all persons they meet without a park badge while hunting, fishing and riding the park.


Section VII                       Associate members may attend meetings and may have a voice, but not a vote.


Section VIII                     All new members are under an 18-month probationary period, at which time the board will approve or reject their membership.


Section IX                        In the year an associate member loses his eligibility, he will be given the opportunity to become a member immediately, even if his membership violates the membership limitation. If he fails to exercise his right at this time, his name will go to the bottom of the waiting list, if he so desires.


Section X                          Yearly free membership permits may be issued by a majority vote of the officers. Any member in good standing may submit a name to the officers for consideration.


Section XI                        Gates are to be locked at all times!!

1)       First offense is a warning

2)       Second offense is a $100 fine

3)       Third offense is expulsion from the club


Section XII                       In the event of a death of a member, the spouse may retain membership in the next dues year.


Section XIII                   If a member does not renew their membership in the club, they are not allowed to be on the club, even as a guest, except for a fundraiser, for 2 years. (ADDED 5/5/12)


ARTICLE V                                        CAMPS


    Section I                            All camps are the property of the landowners. As agreed by the landowners, the present occupants may retain possession and control of their camp as long as they remain a member in good standing of this club.


    Section II                          Camp lotteries are to be held at the May meeting for paid members only.


    Section III                        Each camp will make available to the recording Secretary the name of the member responsible for each camp for correspondence purposes.


    Section IV                         Each camp is assessed at $300 per year. (CHANGED 5/5/12)This fee is due by July 1st each year. Camp dues received after July 31st will be assessed a $50 fine.




ARTICLE VI                                       WORK DAYS


    Section I                            Members must work one (1) out of four (4) workdays a year. A $50 assessment will be laid on all members who do not, unless they are excused by a majority of the officers. This fee must be paid prior to the big game season. You may schedule a workday anytime during the club calendar year with the club President.


    Section II                          To help keep membership dues to a minimum, one (1) raffle a year will be held. Each member will be issued ten (10) tickets, of which 5 are mandatory for the member to sell. The price shall be no more than $5 per ticket.


ARTICLE VII                                     HUNTING RULES


    Section I                            No does are to be taken on the club, whatsoever.


    Section II                          No guests are allowed to take a doe with bow or muzzleloader.


ARTICLE VIII                                   CAMPERS


    Section I                            Campsite fees are to be $1 per day, not to exceed $100. Campers fall under camp regulations. All campers must be removed by the end of the big game season.  All campers must notify in writing, when they move on a site and when they leave the site. The officers must approve all campsites.



   Section V                       Campers may retain their sites from year to year provided their dues are paid on time.


ARTICLE IX                                      ADOPTION & AMENDMENTS


    Section I                            This constitution and by-laws shall become effective by a majority vote of the members present at the meeting called for that purpose.


    Section II                          Any provision of this Constitution and by-laws may be modified, amended, or repealed by the affirmative vote of the majority of members. Voting on the questions at the May meeting only.


ARTICLE X                                        BY-LAWS


    Section I                            A committee will be appointed by the newly elected officers every year to make any new revisions to the By-laws.